EDWARDSVILLE - The Edwardsville Police Department is currently conducting a series of special traffic enforcement periods over the St. Patrick’s Day holiday week in an effort to curtail alcohol violations by the motoring public.
These special enforcement periods are supported by a grant received from the Illinois Department of Transportation. The purpose of the enforcement campaign is to reduce traffic crash injuries and fatalities. The other intent is to emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws, the costs associated with traffic citation fines, and DUI costs to the public.
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The fifth special enforcement period begins on March 15, 2016, and ends on March 20, 2016. Officers on patrol will be looking for impaired drivers, as well as violations of speed laws and occupant protection violations.
Edwardsville Police Lt. Michael Fillback is a spokesperson for the department about the enforcement periods. He said St. Patrick’s Day is a day that certainly revolves around food, alcohol and celebration. He said people have a tendency on St. Patrick’s Day to have gatherings, like on Super Bowl Sunday.
“Unfortunately, a lot of people will not plan ahead,” he said of the gatherings or other celebrations. “That is what we are trying to encourage, that people go ahead and enjoy the day or party, but make some accommodations if you are going to partake in the consumption of alcohol and call for a cab or have a designated driver, so you don’t have an accident that could have been avoided.”
Lt. Fillback said some people totally get it and absolutely will not drink excessively and drive. He said anyone who has had to deliver the message that a child or loved one didn’t make it home or anyone who has had a friend or loved one drink, drive and lose their life has a different perspective on the police enforcement.
“For whatever reason someone chooses to make a good choice on not drinking and driving; we would love to see more folks make that same choice and not drive impaired,” Fillback said.
It is Fillback and others in law enforcement’s hope that everyone drives the speed limit, drives sober and makes it home safe during the upcoming enforcement period and any time for that matter.
“Unfortunately people still choose to drive impaired and we will continue to have the enforcement periods until we don’t see these types of accidents,” he said.
A zero tolerance policy will be in effect for alcohol-related violations, as well seat belt/child safety restraint violations. Seat belt enforcement zones will be operated at various locations during the enforcement period.
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