Statement Of Chairman Alan J. Dunstan
On The Decision To Locate The New
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NGA Facility In St. Louis
“I am disappointed in the decision by National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) Director Robert Cardillo not to locate the new, western headquarters of the agency adjacent to Scott Air Force Base in St. Clair County. The St. Clair County site is, in my opinion, clearly superior to the site the director selected.
My disappointment in the director’s decision is tempered by the unified effort of Illinois’ U.S. Senators, Congressmen, Governor, and county and municipal officials to promote Southwestern Illinois and work in support of St. Clair County’s efforts to bring the NGA to the Metro East.
I also want to thank Chairman Mark Kern, members of the St. Clair County board and other St. Clair County leaders for putting together an excellent proposal and working diligently to bring the NGA facility to the Southwestern Illinois. While their efforts were not successful, Chairman Kern and his team were successful in promoting our area and the myriad of development opportunities that exist in St. Clair and Madison Counties.”
Alan J. Dunstan
Madison County
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