June 2017
St. Louis PKD Meeting: Guest speaker Kathy Maclaughlan
6/12/2017 -

The St. Louis PKD Chapter invites you to attend an educaational meeting with guest speaker Dietition, Kathy Maclaughlan, from Saint Louis University Hospital. She will be educating us on Nutritian before and after transplant. 

Please register for the meeting at https://www.pkdcure.org/chapter/stlouis/.

Directions: Please use the lower entrance into Owen Ridge Campas. Drive straight back to the second building. It is a secure building. Please text or call Jean at 618-210-1901 to be let inside. 

PKD is polycystic kidney diseae. PKD causes fuid filled cyst throughout your kidneys. There are no treatments or cure in the United States. The only solutions we have are dialysis and transplant and these are not easy solutions. Go to https://www.pkdcure.org for more information about the PKD Foundation.

For more information:
Jean Sommer
(618) 210-1901