September 2016
Natural Force
9/3/2016 -

Jacoby Arts Center Transformed through Exhibtion of Eco-Conscious Art

Natural Force, the current exhibition on view at Jacoby Arts Center, features place-based works by Illinois-based artist, Danne Rhaesa, and Missouri-based artist, Megan Singleton. The two have joined "forces" to display stunning, nature-inspired works of distinction composed of natural materials. The collections are unified by themes of environmental and ecological awareness, as well as the use of similar materials, including plant fibers, and forms like sculpture and handmade paper, respectively.

Singleton's pulp paintings of invasive plant fibers, prints, and sculpture, and Rhaesa's relief sculptures of wood and stone, aim to both engage audiences with the landscape, from physical characteristics to biological rhythms and processes, and to raise public eco-conscoiusness and spark dialogue about the consequences of human and environmental interaction. 

Reflecting on nature, or what she calls the “crux” of her inspiration, Rhaesa said, “I think about how I can open nature up so that others can see what’s worth saving, what’s worth valuing.”

Singleton’s hope for viewers is that they “learn something about a plant, a new landscape, or the fascinating transformative process of papermaking.”

Natural Force will be on view through September 24th, Wednesday - Saturday from 12-4pm. An artist talk featuring Rhaesa and Singleton will take place September 17th at 2pm in the Jacoby galleries.
About Jacoby Arts Center
Jacoby Arts Center is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Jacoby's mission is to nurture and promote the practice and appreciation of the arts through education, exhibits, cultural programs, and community outreach initiatives. Jacoby is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency. To learn more, visit