October 2016
Personal Branding
10/28/2016 -

The SIUE School of Business Executive Education program announces its upcoming project management courses and workshops. 

Friday, Oct. 28 / 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., SIUE Main Campus - Founders Hall

Learn how popular products and successful companies build powerhouse brands to create awareness and visibility in the marketplace. Learn how to create your own personal brand.

Whether you want to promote yourself (applying for a new job or promotion) or promote your business, this workshop will help you create a unique branding strategy using proven, successful marketing and promotional tactics.

To register, call Kristine Jarden at 618-650-2668 or Deanna Lotter at 618-650-5440 or visit: http://www.siue.edu/business/executive-education/index.shtml

For more information:
Kristine Jarden
(618) 650-2668