June 2016
6/18/2016 -

What is Relay?

  • Organized fundraising walk
  • Teams of people camp out around a track
  • Members of each team take turns walking around the track
  • Food, games and activities provide entertainment and build camaraderie
  • Family-friendly environment for the entire community

Because it's a team event, individual participants are not required to be there the entire time. But it's so much fun, you'll find it hard to leave!

What Makes a Relay Event Special?

Many moments create the unique Relay experience. Event details vary by location, but all events have key moments in common:

Learn: Survivors Lap

Survivors Lap

During the Survivors Lap, all cancer survivors at the event take the first lap around the track, celebrating their victory over cancer while cheered on by the other participants who line the track. Relay For Life events also recognize and celebrate caregivers, who give time, love, and support to their friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers facing cancer.

Learn: Luminaria Ceremony

Luminaria Ceremony

The Luminaria Ceremony takes place after dark, so we can remember people we have lost to cancer, honor people who have fought cancer in the past, and support those whose fight continues. Candles are lit inside of personalized bags and are placed around the Relay track as glowing tributes to those who’ve been affected by cancer.

For more information:
Sheena Whitehead
(618) 288-2320