March 2024
How Al-Anon Works
3/28/2024 -

Come and learn more about Al-Anon Family Groups and participate in a group meeting.

Meetings Take Place every Thursday 10:00am-11:15am, at OSF Saint Anthony’s Health Center, Psychological Services

3rd Floor, 3-West Group Training Room.


No Tickets Needed

Join us every Thursday except

July 4th, 2024, Thanksgiving Day, and days when Alton Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather.


Al-Anon an anonymous program welcoming and giving comfort to families and friends of alcoholics.

Al-Anon is a fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength, and hope to solve their common problems.


Al-Anon is not allied with any sect, denomination, political entity, organization, or institution; does not engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any cause.